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Publishing your Blog on Google Currents

The articles on iReport / Jasper get the most views from developers who stumble on this blog. I've setup a Google Currents edition which may search on your app or click here on your mobile device: Hopefully, this will force me to write more interesting stuff that I can read on Currents.

Anyway, for those who want to publish their blog on Google Currents, here are some tips:
  • Edition settings: Make sure you have a logo ready. (Square between 64px and 128px, I know my logo looks amateur. I'll update it when I have time to play with Gimp.)
  • All other sections are self explanatory.
  • Distribute: This is the last step before your edition is ready. In Verify content ownership, you will be given several options. If your blog is hosted on Blogger, you will want to use verify using Google Analytics code. I had trouble with verifying mine even though I already had Google Analytics on my blog. It turned out I was using an old layout and the Google Analytics code snippet was an old version. All you need to do get a new snippet and paste it into your blog. If you are using the new Dynamic layouts, you should be good to go.


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