I just did the Nokia Software Update for my Nokia N80 last night. It took 3 hours to download the 78MB update. It's now running the N80 Internet Edition. However, when I restored my previous backup, the new Internet Folder disappeared. Gizmovoip also responds with a "Unable to configure GizmoVoip" when I tried to run that. I'm reinstalling the firmware again and will synchronize instead of restore. I'll lose my SMS messages and will have to reinstall applications but I guess that's the price of having a nice VOIP phone.
If you want to set a default date for a jasperreports parameter, you can enter the following in the default value expression of the parameter. new Date() However, if you wanted the default to be relative from today, for example, 3 days ago, you will need to do go outside of the standard java date libraries (Date, Calendar) because JR parameter does not allow you to have multiple statements. You can write your own utility package or you can use Joda , a replacement library for the JDK date and time library. To use Joda in iReports, you need to extract the jar file and add it to Options -> Classpath. You may also drop the jar file in iReports' lib directory. You will also need to add this library to your application or report server. For setting a default date 5 days prior from today, use this: new org.joda.time.DateTime().minusDays(5).toDate() or this if you want the time part set to the beginning of the day: new org.joda.time.LocalDate().toDateTimeAtStartOfDay().minusDays(5).to...